About EEE

The department of EEE was established in 1994 with the aim of importing high quality technical education in the area of Electrical and Electronics Engineering with an intake of 60. The intake was increased to 120 from 2008 and is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur. The department is headed by Dr. K.Sri Gowri. The department has a strong pool of faculty with 15 Ph.D.’s 11 M.Tech.’s. It boasts of having highly qualified faculty with an unparalleled level of expertise in their field. The pure expertise and dedication of the faculty members along with infrastructural facilities coupled with perseverance of the students have catapulted the branch to the top league. Break up of teaching staff is 4 Professors, 10 Associate Professors and 9 Assistant Professors. The Department is offering one Post Graduate Program with the specialization in Automation and Robotics with an intake of 12. Active research is going on in the areas of Power Systems, Power Electronics & Drives and Control Systems.


To transform the individuals into globally competent electrical and electronics engineers to realize technological needs of the society and to develop the department into an ideal education and research center.


Mission1: To impart high quality education and enhance students’ skills to meet the present needs by introducing concurrent trends in curriculum and through collaborative industryinstitution interaction.

Mission2: To share and disseminate expertise for use in the solution of problems faced by electrical & electronics engineering and by the society.

Mission3: To mould the students into responsible citizens with social, ethical and environmental awareness.